Welcome back to Quintrell downs preschool. We hope you have all enjoyed the summer break. All the staff here have loved hearing all the exciting adventures the children have had!
We are also lucky to welcome our new children to the setting. They have settled extremely well and seem to be enjoying themselves here at Quintrell downs preschool.
We are planning an exciting junk modelling workshop for parents and carers to attend. This will involve spending quality time with your children, having fun and getting messy! In order for this to take place, we ask all family members to start collecting recyclable 'junk' such as cereal boxes and milk bottles. More details will be posted soon.
Make sure you check the notice board also for important dates and events.
If you are looking at schools for your child to attend next September, there is also a link on the home page for your enrolment forms. If you have any worries or questions regarding your child's transition to primary school please do not hesitate to come and see one of the members of staff.
We are looking forward to another fun filled year at preschool!