Sunday, 21 September 2014

Welcome back!

Welcome back to Quintrell downs preschool. We hope you have all enjoyed the summer break. All the staff here have loved hearing all the exciting adventures the children have had!
We are also lucky to welcome our new children to the setting. They have settled extremely well and seem to be enjoying themselves here at Quintrell downs preschool.
We are planning an exciting junk modelling workshop for parents and carers to attend. This will involve spending quality time with your children, having fun and getting messy! In order for this to take place, we ask all family members to start collecting recyclable 'junk' such as cereal boxes and milk bottles. More details will be posted soon.
Make sure you check the notice board also for important dates and events.
If you are looking at schools for your child to attend next September, there is also a link on the home page for your enrolment forms. If you have any worries or questions regarding your child's transition to primary school please do not hesitate to come and see one of the members of staff.
We are looking forward to another fun filled year at preschool!

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Dates for your diary

As we are drawing nearer to the end of the summer term, we have a busy few weeks. Please take note of the key dates and look out for any news on the board in the hall or updates here on the blog.
So far we have:
Monday 16th June: Big Toddle (parents to meet at the preschool at 11:30am, children can come in fancy dress)
Friday 27th June: Train Trip to Par (timings and information to be confirmed)
Monday 7th July: Sports Day (parents and children to arrive at 10am)
Monday 14th July: Beach Trip (weather permitting, timings and information to be confirmed)
Monday 21st July: End of Term Trip to Lappa Valley (timings and information to be confirmed)
Wednesday 23rd July: End of Term Party (children to be in party wear, parents of the children leaving us to arrive at 12:00 noon)

More information of these events will be posted shortly and written on the preschool notice board.

Sunday, 11 May 2014

AGM notice

We are holding our AGM on Monday 19th May at 7:30pm at Quintrell Downs Table Table.
Please come along and get involved, we are looking for new committee members, a new treasurer, as well as your ideas!
Look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Preschool closed on Thursday 22nd May

Our preschool will be unfortunately closed for the day of Thursday 22nd May due to the village hall being used as a polling station. We are sorry if this causes any inconvenience.

Tadpoles for our pond.

If any of you find any tadpoles in your gardens or near to your homes, we would appreciate it if you could relocate some to our pond, as the children enjoy looking at them turn into frogs.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Easter Concert

The Easter concert will be held on the last day of term, Thursday 3rd April. Can all parents and children arrive at 10am, with Easter hats! After the concert, the children will have an Easter egg hunt and party food. We ask that all parents please bring a small plate of food. Thank you.

Easter craft workshop

On Thursday 27th March we will be holding an Easter craft workshop. Please arrive at 11:30am and together, with the children, we will create some Easter crafts. We hope you can make it! We would like to also take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Easter, term will start back on Wednesday 23rd April.